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A member registered Jun 03, 2019

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More of an interactive experience than a game, but I like the idea! Cute cat :)

This was pretty unique! It took me a bit to "get" the gameplay, but once I settled in it was a pretty fun experience. Sound was probably the weakest part of this, but free/stock music tends to do that haha.

Really nice game loop! I like this approach to the theme. A little rough around the edges, but that happens in a game jam. :)

You should feel proud of yourself for what you made! Obviously it's not a complete idea, but learning is the whole point :)

A unique take on the theme, which I really appreciate. Sound was the biggest point of failure for me; I really think the music detracted from the tone of the game. I'd encourage you to continue on with this project and elaborate on some gameplay ideas - maybe a generational system or some additional mechanics!

Gameplay is a bit buggy, and controls weren't immediately obvious, but I enjoy the concept! I think you should continue to develop this game and improve upon the design, there's definitely something there!

Really fun! T-Rex looks like the one from that hidden google chrome game. Connection to the theme is tenuous *at best*, but I love the concept behind the game mechanics!